Monday, June 10, 2024

Rejecting the Status Quo Is the Only Way to Survive

 They want the FBI and NSA to stop spying on their communications and financial transactions without warrants or probable cause.

They want Biden to stop issuing "Green" executive orders that make everything more expensive.

They want Disney and other child-grooming corporations to stop abusing young kids with their perverse sexual agendas.

They want prosecutors to punish violent criminals and to stop targeting political rivals.

They want the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum to shut up about most things.

They want elected officials to end their cancerous addiction to dividing Americans against each other by race.

What do RINOs want? If you listen to Romney, McConnell, Graham, Thune, and other Decepticons, they're most interested in starting WWIII with Russia over Ukraine.

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