Monday, June 10, 2024

Hunter Biden’s trial is just a political ploy to protect Joe — and the compromised DOJ

 Don't see the Hunter Biden gun case as an effort to hold the president's prodigal son to account, but as a political maneuver aimed at protecting the prosecutors, perhaps the defendant, and certainly his father.

Here are the jurors who will decide Hunter Biden's fate on federal gun charges Why the Trump hush money trial verdict is peak 'lawfare' Biden-friendly media have reported that Joe Biden is concerned about the case, making this a story about a father's love for his targeted son as well - turning the Bidens not only into potentially sympathetic characters, but victims.

Recall how we got here: For years, key players at the Justice Department and FBI systematically sabotaged the real case against Hunter Biden.

Most egregiously, prosecutors let the statutes of limitation lapse on material offenses most closely linked to then-Vice President Biden's policy portfolio.

 It looks like Hunter Biden is trying to sabotage his father on purpose Caught in a potential scandal, the Delaware US Attorney's Office colluded with Hunter Biden's legal team to concoct a sweetheart plea deal containing a global immunity get-out-of-jail-free card that insulated Biden from all of the most serious charges he might otherwise have faced.

The pending Los Angeles case against Hunter Biden is only slightly less deceptive.

The real story of Hunter Biden's legal troubles isn't about sex, guns, drugs or even taxes.

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