Monday, June 24, 2024

MIGRANT CRIME ROUND-UP: Park Predators, Mother Murderers, and Deadly Drivers.

Migrant crime, which Donald Trump has labeled a “new category of crime,” made waves in the media this past week, with a number of high-profile crimes sparking public outrage.

HANG HIM HIGH. Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, an Ecuadorian illegal, has been arrested in New York City for allegedly holding up a boy and girl, both aged 13, with a machete.

MOTHER OF FIVE. The rape and murder of mother-of-five Rachel Morin, allegedly by Salvadoran illegal Victor Martinez Hernandez, has caused even greater anger.

" FREED TO KILL. It has been revealed that Pablo Jose Gutierrez-Morales, a 31-year-old illegal alien charged with stabbing a California man to death, carried out the killing just weeks after skipping an immigration hearing.

The Nicaraguan entered the U.S. illegally in 2022 and was detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which says it "paroled [him] into the U.S. [to be] monitored by ICE's Alternatives to Detention with instructions to report to Enforcement and Removal Operations, Los Angeles for reporting.

MOST WANTED. Two illegals on a Texan 'most wanted' list have been detained.

DREAMERS. Newly released U.S. Immigration and Customs Service data revealed that 765,166 so-called 'Dreamers' approved by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program had arrest records within five years of the launch of the Obama-Biden initiative.

Fully 10.38 percent of approved applications under DACA-which grants de facto amnesty to illegals arriving in the U.S. as minors-had prior arrest records, including for violent crimes and drunk driving.

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