Thursday, June 6, 2024

J6 Committee Delayed Secret Service Driver From Refuting False Limo Story

Just the News is reporting that the January 6th Committee rebuffed repeated efforts from a Secret Service agent to refute the false story related by Cassidy Hutchinson alleging a violent episode with Trump in the presidential limousine during the Capitol riots.

The J6 Committee staff repeatedly delayed the testimony of the agent to disprove the widely reported allegation.

Despite being reported by virtually every news outlet, the Committee slow walked his appearance as the story went viral.

Cheney and the committee members clearly knew that Hutchinson's account was debunked by the very driver who allegedly struggled with Trump.

Loudermilk is quoted as saying "We're talking about the driver of the limousine, and the head of the entire protective detail. They were brought in by the select committee to testify, but they weren't brought in until November."

The Secret Service driver testified Trump never tried to reach for or grab the wheel of the SUV. Notably, the transcript shows Cheney trying to explain the delay as due to the need for the Secret Service to produce all documents in the January 6 investigation.

If the Committee had a single member with a dissenting or even skeptical viewpoint, testimony on issues like the fight in the presidential limo could have been challenged before it was thrown before the world.

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