Thursday, June 6, 2024

6 BIGGEST And Most DANGEROUS SCHEMES Underway Right Now In America, Thanks To The Biden Regime And His Puppet-Master Globalists

Did you know that exposing the Left's crimes is a crime? It's like arresting someone who videotapes a bank robber coming out of a bank with the stolen bags of money. The cameraman gets arrested for "challenging" the robbers with proof of the crime. That's communism for you, and that's the Biden Regime. Whistleblowers are being arrested. Peaceful protesters are being tortured in DC gulags.

That's communism for you, and that's the Biden Regime.

Be sure not to talk to any Democrats or Liberals about elections, climate change, God or biological genders, or you will be deemed a "White supremacist" and a "Domestic terrorist" by the Biden Regime.

Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity's knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more.

We are preserving human knowledge using AI technology while building the infrastructure of human freedom.

Be sure NOT to ask your doctor about any vaccines that are already made for a pandemic that has not started yet, and for a disease or virus that is not able to transfer from animals to humans or humans to humans yet.

6 Most dangerous schemes underway right now in America, thanks to the Biden Regime and his puppet-master globalists.

Now we see all the same type of scams with the latest "Green" companies that are just fronts for the Biden Regime to embezzle billions of dollars.

News for updates on real news about surviving and thriving what the insidious globalists and Democrats are scheming and plotting right now.

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