Thursday, June 6, 2024

In No Way MAGA, RFK Jr. Is Far To The Left Of Biden

Polling now finds Kennedy to be as much a threat to Trump's support as to Biden's, with a Quinnipiac survey in February finding some 15% of voters supporting him in a five-way race that included independent Cornel West and the Green Party's Jill Stein.

It is a safe bet that the Biden campaign and allied groups will launch a potent offensive against RFK, with the objective not only of preventing a hemorrhage of voters from their own camp but transfusing Trump voters over to Kennedy.

Not long after launching his campaign, RFK Jr. gave YouTubers a virtual tour of the multiple Kennedy properties in Hyannis Port, Cape Cod, on the ritzy Massachusetts coast, in which it was obvious that he was trying to resurrect the dazzle of the early 1960s that propelled his uncle, JFK, into the White House, and his other uncle, Teddy, and his father, the elder Bobby Kennedy, into the U.S. Senate representing Massachusetts and New York, respectively.

"My uncle would get out, President Kennedy, with my uncle Teddy, who was in the Senate beginning in 1962, my uncle Steve Smith, who was the chief of staff in the White House, my uncle Sarge Shriver, who was the head of the Peace Corps, and my father, who was attorney general," Kennedy told viewers.

Koch Industries and ExxonMobil are "Candidates for corporate death," Kennedy argued, animated by a "Greedy, immoral, anti-social pathology" manifested in their "Mendacious crusade." RFK also named conservative stalwarts that include the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the American Legislative Exchange Council, Americans for Prosperity, and the Heartland Institute as targets for legal annihilation.

Market based? It turns out that what he calls his "Market mechanisms" are things "Like carbon taxes." In 2016, Kennedy tweeted that "The only safe #Fracking regulation is a ban" and in 2002, in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, RFK called hog farmers a greater threat to Americans than Osama bin Laden, confirming that he still held that same view when asked in 2009.

There are even photos of RFK Jr. paying personal homage to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in 2015; Farrakhan triumphantly tweeted photos of the two of them, smiles all around, and Kennedy called Farrakhan a "Truly great partner" on the issue of vaccines targeting blacks.

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