Thursday, June 6, 2024

From Profits To Pandering: How Government Turned Universities And Businesses Into DEI Bureaucracies

UNC-Chapel Hill joins a list of universities like the University of Florida and the University of Texas that have eliminated their DEI programs in part due to lawmaker pressure.

Why did universities get so invested in DEI programs that often exist only to push Maoist-style racial tensions on their campuses? Ludwig von Mises gives us an answer from his 1944 book Bureaucracy.

Value is certainly created when universities are run like businesses.

Legislation that targets government contractors and universities that accept government funds will always necessitate compliance.

What has the government done? By establishing a myriad of legal codes and compliance costs, the firm must now create a glorified "Compliance department." These employees and departments owe their existence wholly to government edict and the tedious bookkeeping mandated by it.

Government overreach made DEI flourish, so we shouldn't be surprised when some firms realize they must cut costs.

The DEI ship is sinking, and one wishes it would take university bureaucracies with it.

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