Friday, June 7, 2024

How Democrats Faked a Jobs Boom, The government is creating jobs. Literally.

"With today's report of 303,000 new jobs in March, we have passed the milestone of 15 million jobs created since I took office." Milestone or a millstone though might be a matter of opinion.

An even more absurd story of government job growth came out of New York City where city officials boasted of having recovered all the jobs lost during the pandemic.

A Bloomberg article revealed that "Virtually all of the jobs added in the 12 months ended in March were in home health care, a low-paying but rapidly swelling field. It's technically classified as private employment, but home health care is actually paid for primarily through publicly funded health programs like Medicaid." Meanwhile actual private sector jobs were vanishing in New York.

The added advantage is that the government was creating jobs without creating any new jobs.

Rather than creating private sector jobs, Biden and the Democrats are creating government funded private sector jobs some of which, like those in New York City, are not even jobs at all.

Health care employment increased 100% since 1990 while other forms of employment have struggled to reach 40%. And where other jobs have not recovered, health care continues to grow.

While health care is a necessary service, much of that job increase has been 'padded out' by union mandated jobs that don't actually provide vital and needful services.

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