Friday, June 7, 2024

For The Second Time In A Year, DHS Secretary Mayorkas Admits His Prior Border Strategy To Be An Abject Failure

Just about a year ago, I wrote about Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas's warning that adhering to his own earlier, and highly self-touted, "Mayorkas Plan" would lead to disaster.

"[P]lace additional pressure on States [and] local communities ... both along the border and in the interior of the United States".

The 2022 Mayorkas Plan didn't secure our borders.

This week, Secretary Mayorkas warned that adhering to his own earlier, and highly self-touted, Mayorkas Plan B also hadn't worked.

What to do? Well, Mayorkas and Garland have just rolled out Mayorkas Plan C, the "Securing the Border" rule, in conjunction with President Biden's "Presidential Proclamation on Securing the Border".

Secretary Mayorkas says that, this time, his Plan C is full of "[t]ough measures" to "Speed our ability to deliver consequences" and is "Yet another step the Administration has taken within its existing authorities to deter irregular migration".

What to do then? Well, I would venture a guess that Secretary Mayorkas has a Plan D in reserve: Wait for President Biden to be reelected and then snag a lucrative job in the private sector.

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