Sunday, June 9, 2024

Have *Any* Jobs Been Created Under Biden?

The truth is that the job growth under Biden is much closer to zero than it is to 15.6 million.

Using the household survey, you find that 11.3 million people got jobs under Biden, not 15.6 million.

That's because Biden starts his count on the day he took office, when the jobs market was still recovering from the COVID lockdowns.

For Biden to say he created 15.6 million jobs would be like a hiker bragging that he climbed a mountain when all he did was crawl out of a cavern.

The economy didn't recoup all the jobs lost during the COVID lockdowns until June 2022, and since then there have only been 6.2 million net new jobs created.

Had these labor dropouts kept looking for work, the official unemployment rate would be more like 5.1% instead of 4%. We're not even going to get into the fact that all the new jobs being created this past year have been part-time jobs, or that most of the new jobs created under Biden have gone to immigrants, including illegal immigrants, not American citizens.

15.6 million jobs Biden Featured inflation job growth jobs created joe biden payroll jobs unemployment.

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