Sunday, June 9, 2024

Do We Have A Chinese Spy In The White House?

To date, no one at the FBI or DOJ seems interested in investigating the possibility that the Commander in Chief is compromised by Chinese intelligence.

A year into Biden's term in the White House the vow of silence is beginning to fade away.

The Chinese money came from Ye Jianming, chairman of a Chinese company known as the Chinese Energy Fund Committee.

Everything about the SinoHawk deal fits precisely with the known method of operation of Chinese intelligence in buying the cooperation of foreign leaders in furtherance of Beijing's foreign policy and national security objectives.

The CEFC also worked hard to push the United Nations to adopt Chinese views and erase all references to human rights and the role of civil society from United Nations language.

What exactly did the CCP get in return for its investment? How many other ways did the CCP funnel cash to the Bidens? The Chinese are not fools.

Did the Chinese buy Joe Biden? Do we have a Chinese spy in the White House? If so, what is Joe doing on Beijing's behalf today? 

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