Friday, June 21, 2024

Biden Ordered Fed Agencies To Install Nationwide Signage Praising Him Before Election

 The signs credit Biden for acts passed by Congress, and Sen. Joni Ernst says they amount to using taxpayer money for campaign signs before the November election.

She wrote in a Thursday letter to the Office of Management and Budget that it's absurd to pay for campaign signs with taxpayer money.

"Political campaign signs are not infrastructure. They do nothing to improve our roads or bridges and it's obvious their real intent is only to pave the way for Biden's re-election," she wrote to OMB Director Shalanda D. Young.

Ernst suggested to OMB in the letter that the administration put up signs to highlight the embarrassments of Biden's spending.

"Why is there no billboard next to the seven electric vehicle charging stations built over the past two years boasting that they were bought by the Biden administration with $7.5 billion? Such a sign could proudly declare, 'This billion dollar boondoggle brought to you by President Biden!'" she wrote.

"A similar sign should be posted alongside the route of the 1.3-mile San Francisco rail extension the Biden administration has committed at least $3.4 billion to build, which is only a fraction of the megaproject's ballooning $8.3 billion price tag. This gravy train is on track to be one of the most expensive transit projects in the world. That certainly makes it qualify as a historical attraction deserving of a sign for public recognition," Ernst added.

The signs also could violate the Highway Beautification Act, which limits signage on federal highways, according to Ernst.

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