Friday, June 21, 2024

Biden Has Paroled In Two Million-Plus Inadmissible Aliens

It's only current through the end of last June but skip the boilerplate and go to a chart on page 10 that shows that in the first ninth months of FY 2023, DHS paroled in nearly 870,000 facially inadmissible aliens with no legal right to be here - one roughly every 28 seconds.

Wait - there's more, because last July the Biden administration started allowing inadmissible aliens from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras with approved family-based visa applications to also seek parole into the United States, a program it then extended to Ecuadorans in October.

In the last quarter of FY 2023, OFO paroled in an additional 137,550 inadmissible aliens at the Southwest border, and then 233,040 more in the first five months of FY 2024.

In the next fiscal year, according to CBP's parole report for FY 2022, the agency paroled 178,465 aliens at the ports of entry, as well as 63,529 Ukrainian nationals paroled on "Humanitarian" grounds and 22,842 Afghan nationals who came in under "Operation Allies Refuge/Welcome".

While I'm nearly finished, I'm really just getting started, because I must add 378,232 illegal entrants apprehended by Border Patrol at the Southwest border in FY 2022 under its "Parole+ATD" program, which boosts the total to 1,902,311 CBP paroles of inadmissible aliens under the Biden administration.

According to OHSS, ICE paroled 34,990 CBP transferees between February 2021 and the end of FY 2021, 79,770 more in FY 2022, and an additional 45,370 inadmissible aliens between the last three months of FY 2023 and the first five months of FY 2024, which brings us to 2,062,441.

The FY 2023 LPR statistics haven't been released yet, but I can assure you that fewer LPRs came in with new green cards last year than the 864,613 inadmissible aliens whom Biden's DHS paroled in just the first nine months of that fiscal year.

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