Monday, June 10, 2024

“We designed mRNA to kill” – CIA Whistleblower?

"In a world without laws, where might alone makes right, all of us will ultimately be the losers." -Jonathan Cook.

The same war-time allegation or strategy, is taking place now in our "Civil" world, where we, the People, are gradually extending our knowledge of crimes committed during the past hundred-plus years by a powerful clan of elites, coming to culmination in the past four years - is like stretching the enemy, the all-powerful elite, to the breaking point.

Many of us knew it all along, that the mRNA vaxxes are made to kill, are part of the depopulation agenda, compliments of the World Economic Forum, especially Klaus Schwab, who prides himself having authored the Great Reset, concluding in "You will own nothing but be happy".

The unhumans - oligarchs and billionaires and wannabe controllers of the world's wealth, working out of Darkness- have not made their calculus with the all-overcoming LIGHT. The strength of our thoughts - of our positive thinking and willpower - may help stretch this Light across the globe, into every corner of life.

The COVID plandemic was a tool to convert the surviving humanity into a surveillance state - into a One World Order, following a One World Government, with digital, programmable money - so-called "Central Bank Digital Currency", with mandatory vaccination, to eliminate a large proportion of useless people, to free up resources for the elite.

We MUST begin afresh - with a new spirit and with connected positive thoughts of Light that span the world.

Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization, where he worked for over 30 years around the world.

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