Thursday, June 20, 2024

To Justify His New Border Rule, Mayorkas Fesses Up To The Harm Caused By His Mass Releases

 Summary In order to make the case for his June "Securing the Border" rule - "Urgently needed to avert significant public harm" - DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had no choice but to admit to the harm caused by the mass release of aliens apprehended at the border.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas acknowledges in his June "Securing the Border" rule the "Critical need to immediately implement more effective border management measures".

In order to make the case for the rule - "Urgently needed to avert significant public harm" - Mayorkas had no choice but to admit to the harm caused by the mass release of aliens apprehended at the border.

Despite his prior knowledge, Secretary Mayorkas's admissions are still of great note because this is the first time I know of that he has admitted to the harms caused by the mass release of aliens apprehended at the border.

In April 2022, Mayorkas signed a self-congratulatory memo setting forth DHS's "Plan for Southwest Border Security and Preparedness", that stated "We are sending a clear message in the region to counteract misinformation from smugglers, including that the termination of the Title 42 public health Order does not mean that the U.S. border is open." In December 2022, DHS's updated Mayorkas's plan, stated "[W]e anticipate migration levels will increase as smugglers seek to take advantage of and profit from vulnerable migrants once the Title 42 public health order is lifted.

This rule is likewise a significant shift in U.S. border policy that affects the vast majority of [aliens] arriving at the southern border who do not have documents sufficient for lawful admission - a shift that may be viewed as similar to the end of the Title 42 public health Order and MPP. Slip-ups like this make it seem like Secretary Mayorkas just isn't bringing his A-game to the "Securing the Border" rule - the A-game Mayorkas brought to his position as Deputy Secretary of DHS during the Obama administration.

Not in the sense that it will be wildly, or even minimally, successful, or that it was even designed to be so, but in the sense that it forced Mayorkas to admit to the harm caused by his mass release of aliens apprehended at the border and forced him to admit that the smugglers were not lying.

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