Monday, June 24, 2024

Time To Admit It: Democrats Are The Party Of Sexual Perverts

Mark Levine has labeled the Democratic Party the Party of Hate, others have described it as the Party of "Death to America," and a good case can be made for both descriptions.

The above statement that the Democratic Party is the Party of Sexual Perverts is not an ad hominem statement nor meant as an insult, but as an accurate description, an easily verified description which I will herewith demonstrate.

In Kansas City, Missouri, the Democratic mayor along with other Democratic officials had a "National Reading Day." Not books like "Tom Sawyer" or "Treasure Island." No. The books read were written with the purpose of brainwashing children to "Explore their gender identity" and to encourage them to become transgender.

In New York, Erie County Democratic party chairman was sentenced for having sexual relations with a 9-year-old.

In New Hampshire, a Democratic transgender representative was arrested for possession of child pornography and sexual abuse of children.

Attempts at prohibiting this travesty have been opposed tooth and nail by Democrats in several ways: 1) asserting that parents have no say so over their children, or to put it another way, "Your kids are not your kids." 2) have Democratic celebrities and politicians shower praise on drag queens and transgenders; for example, a fake American Indian praised fake women.

In this case, it is that the Democratic Party is the party of sexual perverts.

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