Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The Unvarnished Truth About That 'Blockbuster' Jobs Report

President Joe Biden might think that last week's jobs report shows that "The great American comeback continues." Democrats might believe that "The numbers don't lie - things are great,' Rep. Maxwell Alejandro Frost put it. And leftist media mavens have no doubt convinced themselves that"the American job market is so good, Republicans have literally found themselves speechless - again.

Well, not if you dig just a tiny bit deeper into the employment data, then you realize that all the hoopla about jobs under Biden is entirely statistical fiction, one happily repeated by Biden's media vanguard.

Using the household survey, you find that 11.3 million people got jobs under Biden, not 15.6 million.

Measured correctly, there have only been 6.2 million net new jobs created under Biden.

Because the working-age population has grown by 8.6 millio since Febrary 2020 - when jobs peaked before COVID. No matter how you measure job growth since then, it hasn't kept pace with that.

Had those 5 million kept looking for work, they would be counted as unemployed, driving up the official unemployment rate to 5.1%, instead of 4%. We're not even going to get into the fact that all the new jobs being created this past year have been part-time jobs - not full-time jobs.

15.6 million jobs Biden Featured inflation job growth jobs created joe biden payroll jobs unemployment. 


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