Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Way back in 1973, Time magazine touted Minnesota as "The state that works." Minnesota's "Working" at that time consisted partly of the fact that it had recently raised taxes.

Historically, Minnesota has always had higher than average GDP per capita and better than average incomes.

Every year, as my organization has relentlessly documented, Minnesota loses residents in every income category over $50,000, while attracting residents only in the income category 0-$25,000.

Now, after years of horrific government policy, the inevitable has happened: for the first time since statistics have been kept, Minnesota is below average in per capita GDP. John Phelan reports: Minnesota has long been able to boast a level of per capita GDP above that of the United States generally, a 'premium' for living in the state.

Minnesota's decline has continued into 2024: As Figure 3 shows, in the third quarter of 2023, GDP per capita was lower in Minnesota than it was for the United States generally for the first time for which there is data available.

In the 22 quarters for which we can calculate real GDP per capita growth rates, Minnesota lagged the United States in thirteen.

Let Minnesota's decline be a lesson to voters in every state who wonder whether they should elect Democrats.


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