Monday, June 3, 2024

The Media Ignores Hamas’ Holding of Hostages and Hezbollah’s Attacks on Israel

There is much about the war against Israel to which the mainstream media pays scant attention.

The rocket attacks launched by Hamas into southern Israel, and by Hezbollah into northern Israel, are seldom mentioned on the mainstream media.

Little is reported about those Hamas operatives launching their own attacks from Lebanon into Israel.

Nor have there been more than a handful of mentions in the mainstream media about the 60,000 Israelis in the north who have been forced to flee their homes, and for seven months have been unable to return.

Another tragedy about which many outside Israel are unaware is the deaths of soldiers on the frontlines both in Gaza, the North, and the West Bank.

Don't look to the BBC, or the French Canal Cinq, or Deutsche Welle, or The New York Times, or The Washington Post, for news about the 60,000 Israelis who have had to leave their homes in the north and the 40,000 who have had to do the same in southern Israel because of rocket barrages from Hamas and Hezbollah.

Don't expect to hear much about Israel's young soldiers dying in Gaza in defense of their country.

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