Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Government's War On "Backyard" Farms

 Out of 330 million people in the USA in 2024, 109 have gotten sick from Salmonella and have some association with backyard poultry this year.

A further dig into the CDC archives reveals that for the past six years, the CDC has conducted successive investigative "Reports" on Salmonella outbreaks linked to backyard poultry.

A search for poultry and salmonella on the CDC website reveals no such investigations or public reports for commercial poultry operations.

Out of those 230,000 infected with Salmonella from poultry a year, about a thousand people are sickened from backyard poultry.

One out of 230 salmonella cases, yet the CDC is completely focused on the risk of salmonella associated with backyard poultry in its public messaging and warnings.

The CDC's website has nothing to say about salmonella-related illnesses for the 229,000 people infected from commercial operations, but the website is literally flooded with dire warnings about backyard poultry for the 1067 cases per year infected from backyard flocks.

By omitting the true statistics about salmonella infections derived from the commercial poultry sector and highlighting backyard birds, the CDC intentionally misrepresents the danger of salmonella found in commercially produced poultry products.

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