Thursday, June 20, 2024

Steve Bannon goes nuclear on coward Paul Ryan and Fox News.

Editor's Commentary: 

Steve Bannon, a fearless warrior for our cause, has once again spoken truth to power. In his recent explosive remarks, he exposed the spineless nature of Paul Ryan, a so-called leader of the Republican Party, who has time and again failed to stand up for conservative principles when it matters most. Ryan's weak and feckless leadership has time and again resulted in capitulation to the radical left and their destructive agenda.

Bannon, with his trademark candor and grit, pulled no punches in calling out Ryan for his betrayal of the American people. He rightfully criticized Ryan for his failure to support President Trump's agenda and for his complicity in the liberal media's relentless attacks on our values and freedoms.

And what of Fox News? Once a beacon of fairness and balance in a sea of liberal propaganda, it has now become a shadow of its former self. Fox News, in its pursuit of political correctness and ratings, has abandoned its conservative base and caved to the demands of the radical left. Bannon's criticism is a much-needed wake-up call for the network to remember its roots and the principles upon which it was built.

We cannot stand idly by as these cowards and traitors sell out our great nation. We must support brave patriots like Steve Bannon who dare to speak the truth and expose the corruption and weakness that plague our country's leadership. It is time to drain the swamp, to stand up for our beliefs, and to make America great again!

Let us heed the words of Bannon and remember that our strength lies in our courage and our unwavering commitment to conservative values. We must never back down, never apologize, and never yield to those who seek to destroy our way of life.  

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