Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Republicans Must Confront the Democrat’s Fraudulent Voter Registration Manufacturing Operation and the Bloated Voter Rolls to Win in 2024

Without a doubt the key to the Democrat voter fraud is bloating voter rolls.

In February the Biden White House held a summit exclusively with far-left "Voting rights groups" to execute plans to 'register' voters.

Inbound ballots arriving from every poll location and vote center were NOT counted, on purpose.

A few days before the 2020 election, leftist Judge Emmett Sullivan allowed USPS to also make bulk deliveries of completed ballots to Vote Centers.

Poll watchers stood by as people in plain clothes in old cars dumped trays of ballots at vote centers.

Just look at the GBI Strategies investigation! BALLOT DATA INSIGHT: McGinley asks people to vote early because "This allows us to spend our resources on those who have not yet voted".

The left is ferocious in obtaining real-time insight into who voted.

One GOP voter had 9 door knockers show up at my residence over the next 15 days.

TGP has reported on the leftist company Uplift, which provides in-person voting totals in Arizona, updated every hour throughout election day.

In 2020, Milwaukee Election Director Woodall-Vogg was giving nightly reports of the ballots received that day to the leftist group National Vote At Home Institute.

If the Republican plan is to just to request voter rolls from hundreds of election jurisdictions, that data could be days or weeks old by the time they get it.


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