Monday, June 24, 2024

Pfizer CEO Says COVID Was Just A Test "A Rehearsal" For Something Bigger Yet To Come

When Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said that COVID-19 was just a test, it pretty much flew under the radar, but history tells us this comment could prove to be more of a warning than an off-handed comment.

"I truly think the best days of Pfizer are ahead of us because Covid was, for me, like a rehearsal, prove generali, how you can mobilize an organization and do the impossible, possible, against a main disease," Bourla said.

It's a pretty ominous statement when you think about it considering that when we look back, we can often find instances where someone warned us, either directly or in a more subtle way, that something bad was brewing but no one heeded the warning.

Alex Jones pointed out that he cautioned something like the COVID-19 pandemic would happen way back in 2010.

It's clear why Bourla and Pfizer may be hoping all this was just a "Test." In 2021, Pfizer made nearly $37 billion in sales from the jab, which cemented its place as one of the most lucrative products of all time.

Bill Gates warned last year that the next pandemic will be "Manmade" and "Much more brutal" than COVID-19.

They've even been working on a proactive plan for handling it - and it should come as no surprise that it includes lots of vaccine development, a pandemic fund and plenty of restrictions and censorship.

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