Tuesday, June 18, 2024

One-Size-Fits-All Will Fail Every Time

The world is facing a similar scenario as governments prepare to fight the next pandemic with the methods that led to defeat in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Governments around the world were hustled into adopting the one-size-fits-all strategy proposed by the notorious Imperial College London 'Report 9' - stopping the spread of SARS-CoV-2 by reducing the general level of activity in the population by 75%, as an interim measure until the development and deployment of an effective vaccine for all.

We cannot conclude that there is compelling evidence to support the notion that government responses improved Covid-19 burden, and we cannot conclude that there is compelling evidence to support the notion that government responses worsened the Covid-19 burden.

In my state of Victoria, there were vox pops in the media in the election immediately following the collapse of the Covid zero strategy, with voters telling reporters that they had voted for the government which had 'kept them safe' during the pandemic.

Governments did not stop the rapid spread of Covid-19 across most regions of the world, and universal vaccination did not end the pandemic or end the accumulation of excess deaths.

Scientific conclusions can be fabricated, and government policy advisors need to run their own checks on what they are being told, looking for non-sequiturs, rhetorical manipulation, and cheap tricks.

Governments are not being given good advice about public health and 'pandemic preparedness' and are being 'blinded by science.


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