Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Obama’s Crazed Czar Samantha Power Fomenting Revolution In Hungary

Barack Obama Czar Samantha Power has not only been right on the election scene-but openly brags about it: "Great to be here in Budapest with US Ambassador to Hungary where USAID just relaunched new, locally-driven initiatives to help independent media thrive and reach new audiences, take on corruption and increase civic engagement." "Check the timeline for the creation of the opposition party and you will note USAID Administrator Samantha Power in Hungary openly discussing her seeding of NGO's and political activist systems in order to generate another color revolution." There you go.

Mr Peter Magyar assembles his Tisza party, exactly after Samantha Power was in Hungary organizing political opposition to Viktor Orban.

USAID Administrator Power is part of the team of hand-picked 'Czars' Obama lined up to kick off his despicable ongoing Fundamental Transformation of America scheme after his 2008 presidential election campaign.

The two top Czars on the brazen team team were Power and her husband Cass Sunstein, a Harvard professor, animal rights fanatic, who advocated animals taking their human owners to court.

"Sunstein believes that all of your rights exist only because the federal government allows you to have them, he said." Support Canada Free Press Donate Fully fledged USAID Administrator Samantha Power aka Mrs. Cass Sunstein is a fox, brazen and arrogant enough to have left left her tracks behind.

"(Sundance) "Bingo presto Ms. Power visits Hungary, Mr Magyar departs Fidesz party and creates the Tisza party.

" "Mr. Peter Magyar says if he takes power, he can get the €20,000,000,000 back for Hungary, easy peasy.

"I bet he can. "Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been directly in the crosshairs of the western alliance, specifically the EU and U.S. bureaucrats who use their power, position and intelligence apparatus to manipulate foreign nations.

Viktor Orban should find an effective way to keep the cunning Samantha Power out of Hungary.

Power's so-called "color revolution" that comes with the full clout of the United Nations cares diddly-squat about democracy.

There can be no doubt about what harm she can bring to your beautiful country in reviewing what she's done-and is still doing-to a not so long ago freedom loving USA. DEPORT Samantha Power out of Hungary!

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