Monday, June 24, 2024

MSNBC Claims Trump Tying Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s Political Persecution to Biden is “Dangerously and Perniciously Racist”

MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin recently responded to the dismissal of President Trump's gag order appeal in the "Hush money" witch hunt case brought by Alvin Bragg, claiming that Trump tying Biden's Department of Justice and Matthew Colangelo to Bragg is "Dangerously and perniciously racist." "He is continuing to push a narrative that, as I've written and others have, is extraordinarily dangerous," the unhinged leftist asserted.

Trump's claims, according to Rubin, assume that "Alvin Bragg, who is Black, could not have executed this prosecution on his own without the supervision of a bunch of White elders." This almost describes the notion of "White privilege" and the White savior complex of most leftists However, the idea that the Biden DOJ is leading the persecution of Donald Trump assumes nothing about Bragg's skin color.

Matthew Colangelo, the former DOJ Acting Associate Attorney General, took a demotion to work in the Manhattan DA's office and take down Donald Trump by resurrecting and ensuring Soros-backed Bragg moved forward with a garbage case against President Trump.

How to Get the Prescription McCullough Protocol Before the Government Bans It Even Bragg previously ended his investigation and decided not to pursue an indictment until Colangelo showed up! As The Gateway Pundit reported, a New York Appeals court on Tuesday denied Trump's bid to appeal a gag order in Alvin Bragg's case after a jury had already returned a guilty verdict.

Prosecutors are asking for an extension on Trump's gag order even though the hush money trial has concluded, citing ongoing threats as well as efforts by Trump supporters to "Identify jurors and threaten violence against him." However, this is clearly meant to stop President Trump from winning in the court of public opinion as he awaits sentencing in Bragg's sham case on July 11.

Even former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo admitted on Friday that the legal cases against Donald Trump were politically motivated and "Would have never been brought" if Trump wasn't running for President.

The admission from Cuomo exposes the Democrats' relentless pursuit of Trump as nothing more than a political witch hunt.

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