Monday, June 10, 2024

Most Employment Growth Since Pandemic Has Gone To Immigrants

Too many U.S.-born are missing out on the supposed "Job-creation boom." It is true that the country has added millions of jobs since the height of Covid.

Most of that employment growth has gone to immigrants, both legal and illegal.

The government's household survey shows that there were only 971,000 more U.S.-born Americans employed in May 2024 compared to May 2019 prior to the pandemic, while the number of employed immigrants has increased by 3.2 million.

As we have discussed in prior publications, the labor force participation rate - the share working or looking for work - has declined dramatically among U.S.-born men since the 1960s, particularly for those without a bachelor's degree.

While labor force participation among these groups has roughly returned to pre-pandemic levels, the rate in 2024 remains at or near an historical low relative to other peaks in the business cycle.

Advocates insist there are simply not enough workers without immigrants.

Policymakers should consider encouraging work among the millions of working-age Americans on the economic sidelines rather than ignoring the problem and continuing to allow in large numbers of legal and illegal immigrants.

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