Saturday, June 22, 2024

More than 12 million illegal border crossers since fiscal 2021

Fiscal year through May totals are potentially on track to surpass last fiscal year's record of more than 3.2 million apprehensions, the highest on record in U.S. history, according to CBP data.

Including the most up-to-date CBP data and gotaway data obtained by The Center Square, the estimated total number of illegal borders crossers exceeds at a minimum more than 12 million through the end of May. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-Louisiana, recently said the total number was closer to 16 million.

Using the estimated 12.1 million figure, from fiscal 2021 through May in fiscal 2024, illegal border crossings total more than the population of 44 U.S. states.

Put another way, they total 31% of California's entire population, 39% of Texas' population, and 52.6% of Florida's population, the country's three most populous states.

If their total were a country's population, they'd be the 80th largest country in the world, totaling more than the populations of roughly 155 countries.

The Center Square first reported on the number of illegal border crossers totaling more than the population of individual states.

In the first six months of 2021, 1.1 million illegal border crossers totaled enough to create the tenth largest city in the U.S. and more than the individual population of nine states.

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