Saturday, June 8, 2024

Little By Little, The Economy Has Declined To A Point Where Almost Everyone Is Struggling

The cost of living just kept rising faster than paychecks were, and little by little our standard of living just kept going down.

Now we have reached a stage where the ultra-wealthy are thriving but almost everyone else is struggling.

According to a survey that was just conducted by Seven Letter Insight, 65 percent of Americans "Who earn more than 200% of the federal poverty level" admit that they are struggling financially.

In the large poll of 2,500 adults, 65% of people who earn more than 200% of the federal poverty level - that's at least $60,000 for a family of four, often considered middle class - said they are struggling financially.

Neel Kashkari, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, says one of the things he has learned in the past few years is that consumers would rather see the economy fall into a recession than to continue to suffer the pain of soaring prices.

Job openings fell more than forecast in April, signaling a potential weakening in the labor market that could provide the Federal Reserve with more impetus to start lowering interest rates.

For years, little by little our standard of living has been collapsing.

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