Thursday, June 6, 2024

Left-wing Violence: Abortion Radicals Attack Churches; Biden Turns Blind Eye

At issue is something you probably won't learn about from The New York Times or the nightly news: hundreds of attacks on Catholic churches by pro-prenatal-infanticide radicals since the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

Churches set on fire in the middle of the night and worshippers harangued at services.

"We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We'll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries." Few had heard of Ruth Sent Us or similar domestic extremist groups like Jane's Revenge, but Catholics across the country learned about them quickly.

Since the draft Dobbs opinion was maliciously leaked on May 2, 2022, there've been 259 acts of vandalism and violence against Catholic churches.

Some of these are serious incidents, too, such as pews, a car, or a church itself being set alight; churches ransacked; and bullets fired at an abbey.

Where are these "Violent" Rad-Trad Catholics? Such criminality is the kind the media love making front-page news, after all.

One could wonder, too: Have any of the anti-Catholic attackers received such stiff sentences? As for the media bias, it was apparent as well when churches burned in Canada based on the "Blood-libel myth" that they'd murdered American Indian children.

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