Monday, June 10, 2024

Illegals Marching in NYC Usher in Next Phase of Biden’s Color Revolution

 When one's basic human needs are in question-such as the nation's food supply, and access to friends and family-things like freedom and civil liberties may suddenly seem trivial... Posted by Ben Sellers June 7, 2024 Pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that is the 2024 election heist all began fitting together Friday as illegal immigrants took over New York City's Times Square to demand the abolishing of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in response to what was already a toothless and symbolic executive order from President Joe Biden.

The earlier protests were, of course, a test run for Soros-funded organizers to dust off their riot gear and update their four-year-old call lists for when a spontaneous flash-mob is needed, the underlying cause being moot.

When one's basic human needs are in question-such as the nation's food supply, and access to friends and family-things like freedom and civil liberties may suddenly seem trivial.

Rather, the Trump thread is likely to merge in the near future with the incessant efforts by ethically bankrupt Sens.

Enter the aforementioned flash-mob rioters to threaten and intimidate the SCOTUS justices, having recently doxxed Samuel Alito by plastering pictures of his home in every leftist media outlet.

In a true dose of poetic justice, Garland would be complicit in the foul deed by failing to enforce the federal laws preventing it.

Swapping out a single justice will not deliver them what they desire, which is to own the entire court system, so they will proceed to use whatever public outrage they engineer to push through more court oversight hearings, efforts to pack the court and even to put it under the direct purview of Garland's Justice Department.

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