Friday, June 21, 2024

How America's Billionaires Have Made Their Government Inaccessible To The Public

 America's approximately a thousand billionaires donate at least half of all of the money in the U.S. that funds political campaigns in both of their Parties.

In order for the billionaires to be able to carry out their end-result - that the public are only to be fooled, not served - they also control enough of the 'news'-media and accredited 'experts' at their think tanks, foundations, universities, and other 'non-profits', for the billionaires to have reasonable confidence that the winner of each political contest will ultimately turn out to represent either their own Party's group of billionaires, or else the opposite Party's group of billionaires, instead of represent the non-billionaire mere voters, who get to select only from billionaire pre-approved nominees.

Among the tricks that the billionaires' Government has established in order to prevent access to power by individuals who don't represent the interests and priorities of billionaires, is the arcane system in which they have had their U.S. Presidents and Congress-members create tax-laws which favor ONLY donations being made by a 'non-profit' to an employee of, or other beneficiary of, a 'non-profit', never to any unaffiliated person.

The tax-laws for 'non-profits' have been written this way, looking down upon outsiders, as being only needy persons, not as being competent to think rationally about how society ought to be organized or about what the Government's policies ought to be: these laws are extremely beneficial to the donors who create 'non-profits', but in order for a 'non-profit' to continue qualifying for these federal and state tax-benefits, the organization must accept project-applications only from representatives only of other such 'non-profits'.

Those are just two of the thousands of examples to display how America's billionaires have made their government actually, from a practical standpoint, inaccessible to the public.

On June 4th, I posted my proposal for "How to Reduce the Harms that Billionaires Cause"; but, of course, the least-likely country to pay attention to it would be the United States.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse's latest book, AMERICA'S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler's Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires.

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