Monday, June 24, 2024

Hillary Clinton Attacked ‘Scary’ Justice Alito For His Christian Faith: ‘A Fanatic’

Hillary Clinton attacked Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on his Christian faith in a recent interview, calling the conservative justice "Scary" and "a fanatic" for his religious views.

"You know, I was in the Senate when both John Roberts and Alito were nominated to the court by George W. Bush. Therefore, I had a chance, as you rightly say, to interview both of them," Clinton said.

"Alito struck me almost immediately upon sitting down to talk with him as a radical, as a fanatic about his views of culture and the role of religion in our society, and his religion, not maybe yours or mine, Marc, but his religion. And I found him scary, and I said so on the floor of the Senate when I voted against him," Clinton said.

Alito frequently votes with the Supreme Court's conservative majority, while Roberts is considered a swing vote on many cases.

Alito has found himself headlining the news several times in recent months.

Last month, a pair of reports from The New York Times said Alito's homes displayed an upside-down American flag and an "Appeal to Heaven" flag, which people at the Capitol riot reportedly carried on January 6, 2021.

Last week, Alito was secretly recorded by a liberal activist pretending to be a religious conservative who told Alito she does not think "We can negotiate with the Left." "One side or the other is going to win," Alito allegedly responded, according to the recording, adding that there can be "a way of living together peacefully," but "There are differences on fundamental things that really can't be compromised." Alito has been a particular target of the Left in the two years since he authored the court's opinion in overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark abortion case.

Editor's Commentary: 

Hillary Clinton, a figure of some prominence in the Democratic Party, has chosen to sink to such lows in her public discourse.

Justice Samuel Alito is an esteemed and respected member of the Supreme Court, and his Christian faith is a personal matter. It is despicable for Clinton to attack his religious beliefs in an attempt to discredit him or his decisions. This is a blatant display of religious intolerance and a disturbing trend among the left, who seem all too eager to dismiss and demean anyone with faith.

The beauty of our nation lies in our diversity, and that includes a diversity of thought, belief, and religion. It is this very freedom to worship that our nation was founded upon, and it is enshrined in our Constitution. For a public figure like Clinton to attack a man's personal relationship with God is not only shameful but also a threat to the very foundations of our country.

We must stand up for Justice Alito and for all people of faith. We must send a clear message that such intolerant and discriminatory behavior is unacceptable and has no place in our society. We must remind the left that our country was built on a foundation of religious freedom and that we will not stand idly by as they attempt to erode our most cherished values.

The attacks on an individual's faith have no place in politics or public discourse. It is a sad day when a member of one of our major political parties feels it is appropriate to disparage and discredit someone based on their personal relationship with God.

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