Sunday, June 9, 2024

Glamorous Atlanta Prosecutor Is Jailed For Stealing $15m Of Covid Funds And Using The Cash To Buy Diamond Rings And A Rolls Royce

 Shelitha Robertson, 62, used the illegally gained funds to splash out on luxuries such as a 10 carat diamond ring, a Rolls Royce and a motorbike.

Only weeks before she was imprisoned, Robertson was still gleefully appearing on her daughter's 'Mommy & Me' podcast in which the pair would give their advice on dealing with the world - including advising listeners on how to earn money though hard work and 'integrity'.

Robertson didn't follow her own advice and decided to make her money through deception, submitting one false loan application after another to the COVID relief scheme claiming she needed the cash to support four businesses she owned.

In an October episode of the podcast Robertson presented alongside her daughter Brii Renee, she was asked if she would choose integrity over poverty when asked how she would react to the chance to make money quickly.

Robertson used the multi-million dollar proceeds from her loans to purchase luxury items, including a 10-carat diamond ring worth at least $150,000, as well as luxury vehicles, including the Rolls.

In one episode of the podcast from October 2023, Robertson advises followers to 'chase their dream' because 'the money will come'.

'Motivated by greed, Robertson deceptively obtained funds that were designated to provide emergency financial relief to struggling small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic,' said U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan.

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