Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dr. David Martin: Since 2002 Coronavirus Has Been A Man-Made Pathogen

"Since 2002, there has not been a coronavirus; there has been an engineered pathogen. Engineered by Ralph Baric at the University of Carolina Chapel Hill where, in 2002, he patented the' infectious, replication defective, clone of coronavirus'," Dr. David Martin said.

In other words, since 2002 coronavirus has been man-made and has not been a pathogen of nature.

On Wednesday, Dr. David E. Martin joined Alex Jones to explain where the biological weapon called SARS-CoV-2 originated, who are the criminals behind it, the criminal counts against the perpetrators and much more.

Most people first heard about coronavirus in 2019 but "The fact of the matter is it has been around since 1966 as a biological weapon," Dr. Martin said.

As Dr. Martin said, "They said, they would do so in response 'to an accidental or deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen'." They had been planning these mandatory injections since 2015.

"To advance the social and commercial interests of sociopaths that wanted to kill human beings for the sake of their agenda, they decided to unleash a lethal respiratory pathogen on the population so the population would be bamboozled into taking an mRNA shot which would permanently, permanently alter their human condition," Dr. Martin said.

" was not for 'the coronavirus' and it was not for 'the coronavirus vaccine', it was for the mRNA that was used to instruct the human body to make a scheduled pathogen," Dr. Martin said.

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