Monday, June 24, 2024

DOJ's Kristen Clarke Hit With Criminal Referral, Ethics Complaints

The Justice Department's Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general for civil rights, will be hit with three ethics complaints and a criminal referral Monday, The Daily Signal has learned.

Article III Project is filing both the ethics complaints and criminal referral, which calls upon Attorney General Merrick Garland to open a criminal probe into Clarke on the grounds that she "Knowingly and willfully" made "Materially false statements" and that she committed "Perjury."

"Avery has accused Kristen Clarke of a violent crime," the Article III Project criminal referral states.

"Most crucially, Kristen Clarke acknowledged it in her statement to reporter Hannah Rabinowitz of CNN," the criminal referral continues.

"This assertion shows an utter disregard for the role of the United States Senate in evaluating the worthiness of a nominee for confirmation. Neither Kristen Clarke nor the State of Maryland is entitled to decide what information the Senate deserves to know. That prerogative lies with the Senate. Senator Cotton asked a routine question, and Kristen Clarke failed to answer it honestly."

"But," Davis said, "With Garland's refusal to take any action more than seven weeks after uncontroverted evidence and public reporting of Kristen Clarke's perjury to the Senate, it is very clear Kristen Clarke is above the law."

The DOJ and Washington ethics complaints note that Clarke, like every other nominee who requires confirmation by the Senate, had to answer a series of questions under oath in both in writing and verbally.

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