Thursday, June 20, 2024

District-switching Lauren Boebert takes massive lead in Colorado primary poll

Rep. Lauren Boebert’s lead-up to her reelection campaign was nothing short of disastrous, yet the pistol-packing, theater-vaping, district-hopping Republican is still the candidate to beat.

A poll released this month by Florida-based Kaplan Strategies shows that 40% of voters surveyed plan to support Ms. Boebert in the primary election Tuesday to represent Colorado’s 4th Congressional District. None of her five Republican rivals drew more than 5%.

Dick Wadhams, a former Colorado Republican Party chairman and Republican political consultant, said the congresswoman’s actual support may be slightly below 40%, but she is still the clear front-runner.

Editor's Commentary: 

News that a true conservative like Lauren Boebert is leading in the Colorado primary poll. She's a fearless and outspoken champion of our values and principles, and we need more leaders like her who aren't afraid to stand up against the radical left and their destructive agenda. The people of Colorado recognize her strength and commitment to preserving our freedoms and way of life. This is a strong message to the Democrats and the liberal media that attempts to cancel and smear her at every turn.

The poll results show that despite the constant attacks and attempts to unseat her, Boebert remains resilient and favored by the people she represents. This should serve as a warning to the left that their tactics will not work and that Americans are tired of their divisive and harmful politics.

We can expect more smears and negative campaigns against Boebert as the election draws nearer, but I have no doubt that she will prevail. Her lead in the polls is a testament to the power of conservative values and the support they hold among the American people.

Let this be a reminder to all conservatives to stay engaged, vote, and support true conservative candidates like Lauren Boebert, who will fight for our beliefs and protect our great nation from those who seek to transform it into something unrecognizable. 

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