Sunday, June 9, 2024

Big Food, Bigger Conspiracy

Fallible Politicians with a desire to make things right through government intervention rather than honor liberal principles will inevitably favor corporate farmers above both small farmers and the American populace.

Small family farms already had difficulty surviving against larger farms with vast economies of scale, and government support of "American Farmers" only makes this struggle more difficult.

Even from an interventionist standpoint, it would be better for more unstable businesses to receive more assistance, so the free market would be perceived as better than the current situation where the strongest multi-state farms are subsidized most heavily.

Some areas of America are more conducive to producing farms large enough to seek government aid.

Through technological superiority, crop homogeneity, and government cheerleading, they were able to lower prices to the point where local farms could not hope to compete.

The death of local farms would not be nearly so great a problem if the larger farms provided even a semblance of the taste and quality that local farms provided.

Food has grown large and tasteless as a direct result of this sympathy-fueled government campaign to protect a certain subgroup of farmers.

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