Saturday, June 8, 2024

"Biden's Still-Open Door And What Xi Is Bringing Through It"

President Biden's reelection campaign is promoting his leadership in securing the United States' southern border with Mexico by trumpeting a new Executive Order that ostensibly will help do that.

The Biden E.O. allows a further 2,500 illegal aliens into the U.S. per day, provided they use the CPB1 application to apply for admission.

Donald Trump spoke yesterday about an agreement that he had reached during his presidency with Chinese dictator Xi Jinping that would have given the death penalty for those in China trafficking fentanyl.

The number of seeming PLA special forces and other military personnel being admitted into the United States continues to grow.

This week's Committee on the Present Danger: China webinar, "Biden's Still-open Door and What Xi is Bringing Through It," from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. ET today, Friday, June 7, will assess the actual state of U.S. border insecurity and interior enforcement of immigration laws and the extent to which serious shortcomings are being exploited by our mortal enemy, the Chinese Communist Party.

WASHINGTON, D.C.-Spain, Ireland and Norway formally recognized a non-existent state of "Palestine" today.

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