Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Biden’s Lawfare Against Trump Ain’t Following the Script

Get a blue state Soros D.A. like the undistinguished Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg to indict 45th and 47th President Donald Trump on something or other.

The Democrats' brilliant foolproof lawfare strategy was structured to tie up Trump through November and pile on him guilty verdict after guilty verdict.

That means if you are on that Manhattan jury, and the jury fails to convict, you must go back to your job in Manhattan the next day and explain why you screwed up and let Trump get away.

Not enough? Put a gag order on Trump, but let everyone else defame him.

Trump's supporters start donating so many tens of millions so fast that even Michael Cohen would not be able to collect and tally it all, and take half of it for himself.

Even "Never Trumpers" were driven to donate to Trump because the Trump campaign is no longer neatly something that "Never Trumpers" can oppose with gusto.

What do the polls say? How badly has this hurt Trump? The polls are okay but do not matter anyway.

When was the last time anyone mentioned Cardi B? Thus, Democrats who passionately hate Trump will carry the 34 verdicts to November.

My predictions on that one: Sotomayor is a political hack and will hold that Trump can be prosecuted for everything and forever - even for Whatever.

Roberts probably will go with her to prove that there are no Obama Judges or Trump Judges.

Trump will be able to raise more money off it and gain more sympathy from Independents. 


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