Thursday, June 20, 2024

Biden's Green Energy Agenda Would Make Military Reliant On China

The Biden administration's aggressive push to transition to alternative green energy is leaving the U.S. military dependent on its top adversary, China, which would be disastrous in an event of a war with the country, according to a study by the Heritage Foundation publishing on Thursday and obtained first by Breitbart News.

The study, entitled "Chinese Handcuffs: Don't Allow the U.S. Military to Be Hooked on Green Energy from China," is the second part in a series researching the perils of over reliance on Chinese renewable energy and a "Misguided" environmental agenda.

The study's main recommendations are to ensure the military has secure and readily available energy for a prolonged war by rethinking the role and management of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, reconfigure and build American refineries, tap into vast domestic energy reserves, and strengthen energy trade relationships with allies, and more.

Sadler called for deliberate policy planning and investments to ensure the U.S. can sustain prolonged military operations, particularly in the case of disrupted overseas energy markets and normal shipping methods.

He said the president should "Refocus diplomatic and economic engagement away from a myopic ESG and climate agenda to an agenda that supports energy resiliency. Countries in Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia are home to burgeoning energy resources but susceptible to investment from China and Russia-both of which are known to weaponize energy markets for political control," he said.

"Canada and Mexico are the United States' two largest energy trading partners but face unnecessary constraints. A first step toalleviating this would be permitting cross-border energy infrastructure projects, such as the Keystone XL pipeline. Doing so would make it easier and less bureaucratic for investments to more easily flow to expanded domestic port capacities for energy trade," he wrote.

At the same, an America that is self-reliant for its operational energy needs strengthens its overall strategic position over a China that is reliant on imports foreign fuels.

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