Saturday, June 8, 2024

Biden has made MAGA supporters enemies of the state!

Just because Progressives declare something that's prima facia unconstitutional, like Affirmative Action supported by DEI, and they want it to be the law of the land, does not guarantee political success for them any more than the phony trial against President Trump makes him guilty of the crimes they claimed he committed.

It's all for show and was done with the single intent of damaging Trump's ability to campaign to be America's next president.

In an exercise of pure chutzpah, after Trump's guilty verdict, Joe opined: "The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed." I hope Joe realizes that when his own head's in the noose.

What Joe Biden did to Donald Trump copies how Stalin's courts in the Soviet Union handled dissenters.

Under Biden's administration, Trump is headed for a gulag somewhere.

Presently, the growing "Freedom caucus" in our House of Representatives is challenging old GOP norms and coalescing behind Trump's reelection.

So are the outraged people if donations and turnout at Trump rallies are any indication.

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