Monday, June 10, 2024

Biden Claims He Doesn't Have Enough Planes To Deport Illegals

Before leaving for his rather embarrassing appearance in Normandy, President Joe Biden signed his long-awaited executive order "Cracking down" on illegal immigration at the southern border.

The Border Patrol arrested Gerardo Henao 14 hours after President Joe Biden suspended asylum processing at the U.S. border with Mexico this week.

Lack of resources, diplomatic limitations and logistical hurdles make it difficult for the Biden administration to impose its sweeping measure on a large scale.

The policy, which took effect Wednesday, has an exception for "Operational considerations," official language acknowledging the government lacks the money and authority to deport everyone subject to the measure, especially people from countries in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe who didn't start showing up at the border until recently.

Would someone from the Biden administration care to explain how they couldn't manage to find a plane to put this guy on? They don't seem to have any trouble finding planes to bring tens of thousands of migrants to America from all over the world using the CBP One app that Biden provided for them.

Henao entered the country illegally by crossing the border from Mexico into California.

That's how the system is supposed to work and Joe Biden claimed that we are going to be going back to those types of policies.

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