Monday, June 24, 2024

Better Off Than 3 1/2 Years Ago? Home Prices Up 34% Under Biden, Mortgage Rates Up 147%, Rent CPI Up 5.3%

In politics, it is usually discussed whether you are better off today than 4 years ago.

Well, not if you are a renter or need to buy a home with mortgage financing.

If you are a homeowner, you are better off in terms of home equty.

With the Case-Shiller National home price index up 34% since Biden's selection as President.

The bad news? Property taxes are soaring and home insurance rates are up.

The worst news? The 30 year conforming mortgage rate is up 147% under Biden.

If you are a renter, you are worse off because of rising rents and the diffculty of transitioning to homeowership.

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