Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Another Left-Wing Attempt to Smear Justice Thomas Fails

Well, the code for lower court judges only provides "Guidance" and the Supreme Court has followed that code for decades.

Fix the Court asserts that Thomas failed to disclose most of the gifts he has received that, they claim, total about $2.4 million over the last 20 years.

Second, Fix the Court used its own definition of "Gift," failing to, er, disclose that this is not the definition of "Gift" that judges and justices are required to use when filing their annual financial reports.

The guide in place when Thomas joined the Supreme Court told judges to "Exclude gifts received as the personal hospitality of any individual." The 2012 revision stated that "a 'gift'does not includesocial hospitality based on personal relationships." And the current rule, revised in March 2023, provides that any food, lodging, or entertainment received as "Personal hospitality of any individual" need not be reported.

Fix the Court says that Thomas is unethical because he did not disclose what the group defines as gifts, with the value the group claims, regardless of the rules that federal judges actually have to follow.

Those are just some of the misdirections and sleights-of-hand Fix the Court deployed to come up with numbers that they can then use to suggest that justices like Thomas, who interpret the Constitution as it's written rather than making one up to fit the political agenda of this leftist group and its fellow travelers, are, well, just bad. That is, after all, what this campaign to manipulate the Supreme Court is all about.

To get there, groups like Fix the Court demand adding unnecessary seats to the Court, limiting justices' terms, trying to force individual justices out of participating in certain cases, and smearing justices with fictional tales that they know most Americans will be unable to verify. 


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