Sunday, June 23, 2024

Allegations of Election Fraud Rock Lynchburg, Virginia Republican Primary — Poll Watchers Claim Obstruction in Mail-In Ballot Processing, Broken Seals, and Unsupervised Ballot Counting

Concerns have arisen about the chain-of-custody of these ballots, and there is no documentation recording the number of ballots collected from each Election Day drop box bag in Ward IV. Why weren't these ballots counted on election night? On Friday, our observer was turned away from absentee ballot processing when it was scheduled to start at noon and asked to return 30 minutes later.

Election staff confirmed that it had been standard practice to allow the ballot drop box to be stuffed until Friday, which violates Virginia law.

Shortly after our campaign raised concerns about the chain of custody of drop box ballots, the number of ballots retrieved from the drop box, and the legality of stuffing the ballot box after the polls closed, electoral board member Steve Troxel pulled senior election staff aside for a private conversation concealed from our observation.

Now, he has an opportunity to show Lynchburg that he cares about the will of the electorate and join us in demanding a full manual recount and audit of the June 18th Republican primary, including: Spoiled ballots Adjudication process of every mail-in ballot Signature verification Voter eligibility, including citizenship Election Day bag security seal and chain of custody records Let's stop political insiders with questionable conflicts who may be engaging in pay-to-play schemes to manipulate the outcome of our elections in Lynchburg.

Lynchburg election staff cannot even produce real ballot counts almost one week after the election.

Election integrity is critical, and it's time for Lynchburg to lead the way.

Incumbent Ward IV Representative and Vice Mayor of Lynchburg Council, Chris Faraldi, also released their own statement regarding the election fraud allegations.

We were made aware that the Lynchburg Registrar's Office improperly handled ballots in obvious and flagrant violation of state code and election procedures.

That's well past Election Day and in violation of state law.

On election day, we fought the party establishment and won.

A special thank you to Team McGuire for alerting us to these 'miracle ballots' and standing strong for free and fair elections.

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