Thursday, June 6, 2024

AG Nessel’s Lawfare Case Against GOP Alternate Electors IMPLODES: Judge Rebukes AG’s Criticism of Her Fairly Conducted Trial–Lead AG Investigator Fumbles—Can’t Answer Critical Questions

MI Democrat AG Dana Nessel, Lead AG Investigator in MI GOP Electors case Howard Shock, and Judge Kristen D. Simmons If Michigan's Democrat attorney general is successful with her politically-motivated witch hunt against the Trump-supporting electors, and they are found guilty of all 8 felony charges, it would be enough to send each member of the group, which consists of primarily senior citizens, to prison for life.

Donors can contribute to the legal defense of the MI GOP electors HERE. Unfortunately for the lawfare queen of Michigan, after three days of testimony by AG Nessel's lead investigator, it is becoming increasingly clear that AG Nessel, or someone in her office, selected the wrong cop to investigate the manufactured crimes against the MI Republican electors.

According to Mr. Renner, his lawyers were in discussion with the attorney general's office even before the AG's office filed formal charges against 15 of his fellow GOP electors.

Charges against MI GOP elector James Renner were dropped in exchange for his testimony in the case against his fellow GOP electors by the MI AG's office.

On Monday, while under oath in the pre-trial case against 5 of the 15 electors in AG Nessel's lawfare case, Nessel's top cop, Agent Howard Shock, was brutally cross-examined by MI GOP Elector Marian Sheridan's lawyer, John Freeman, who effectively shredded his case against his client, and by extension, all of the electors who've been charged in Nessel's lawfare case.

 MI GOP Elector Marian Sheridan's criminal defense lawyer John Freeman Attorney John Freeman explores whether or not the case against the electors is politically motivated Mr. Freeman began his questioning of Attorney General Agent Howard Shock by asking if he had any previous experience in investigating a case that involved more than ten suspects.

MI GOP Grassroots Vice Chair and Trump elector Marian Sheridan - Donations can be made to Marian's defense by clicking on the Give Send Go LINK. Assistant Attorney General Logan quickly objected to Freeman's line of questioning, and to her credit, Judge Kristen Simmons allowed the question of Agent Shock by Marian Sheridan's attorney to be answered.

Several defense lawyers jumped up to question Assistant Attorney General LaDonna Logan, one of the officials in AG Nessel's office who reportedly approved the ridiculous charges against the 16 GOP electors, as she attempted to convince her witness, Agent Shock, to revise his statement about his claim about the "Pause" in the electoral process.

In what appeared to be a blatant lie under oath by Attorney Nessel's lead investigative agent in the MI GOP electors case, he was asked on Tuesday by Attorney John Freeman if Agent Shock previously testified that there were "No statements that the electors were being told what to do on December 14, 2020," by the Trump attorneys.

Mr. Freeman drilled down further on the witness, reminding Agent Shock of a statement he made in his affidavit about Trump Attorney Shaun Flynn talking to the electors about becoming an alternate slate of electors.

Assistant AG LaDonna Logan immediately jumped in and objected to Attorney Freeman's statement, citing "Relevance" and adding that Attorney General Nessel's opinion on the case "Doesn't matter." The judge overruled the statement and appeared to admonish her as she reminded the assistant attorney general that her boss brought the case against the 16 electors and that the assistant attorney general was "Acting as her agent" in court. 

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