Thursday, June 6, 2024

Academic Publisher Retracts Over 11,300 Papers And Shuts 19 Journals As It Is Overwhelmed By Fraud

 Academic fraud is forcing Wiley, a major publisher of scientific journals, to close 19 journals after some were overwhelmed by industrial-scale research fraud.

To have a research paper published in a top-tier journal will cost the research team several thousand dollars.

Why, you might add, would anyone pay $12,000 to have their paper published in one of Nature's 156 titles? The way you win grants, acquire and maintain academic tenure, and move from the underpaid gypsy status of a post-doctoral researcher is by publishing.

Nearly all the problems associated with academic publishing - fraudulent data, insipid and irrelevant subjects, and incoherent writing being top among them - stem from the role publishing in academic journals plays in scientific research.

Many journals charge a fee to authors to publish in them.

Problematic papers typically appear in batches of up to hundreds or even thousands within a publisher or journal.

Publishers say some fraudsters have even posed as academics to secure spots as guest editors for special issues and organizers of conferences, and then control the papers that are published there.

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