Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Liberal Dose of Nonsense

The party is sacrosanct in the former, a theocracy in the latter, and it's all political correctness in the good old USA. Try publishing an anti-#MeToo book and see how many publishers will knock at your door.

Liberal institutions in Europe and America ensured freedom of speech and all that goes with it.

"Publishing in America today is no different from in China or in Iran." But I digress.

America reminds me of a woman I knew when I was young, a real beauty known more for her promiscuity than for her comeliness.

America is the opposite, known for her freedoms rather than for her suppressions.

Did you know that 40 percent of Gen Z consider the American founders to be villains? In fact, to be white in America today is to feel alienated and guilty.

Following Trump, the next target is the Supreme Court, where another Adam, far more repellent, called Liptak, daily invents so-called experts who "Question Justice Samuel Alito's refusal to recuse himself." The Supreme Court is a target because it is the ultimate anchor and glue of the nation.

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