Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Potentially 24 Percent of the Votes in California’s 2024 Election Were from Non-Citizens

Potentially 24% of the votes in California's 2024 Election were from non-citizens. Secretary of State Shirley Weber certified the state's election results despite them being non-certifiable. According to the Secretary of State's Office, 16,140,044 Californians voted, with 13,034,378 vote-by-mail ballots and 3,105,666 ballots cast at locations, giving a turnout rate of 71. 43% among registered voters. Weber claimed her release of election data promotes transparency, suggesting that every vote matters.

However, concerns about the accuracy of the voter rolls remain, with studies estimating that 3. 8 million records on California's voter rolls belong to non-citizens. This estimate comes from comparing foreign-born individuals registered to vote with the number of new U. S. citizens. California’s "Motor Voter" law allows individuals applying for driver's licenses to be added automatically to voter rolls, many of whom are not U. S. citizens.

With 22. 6 million registered voters in California, it is estimated that 17% are non-citizens. Even if every non-citizen voted, it raises questions about the legitimacy of the election results, leading to conclusions that California's voter rolls contain too many non-citizens to certify any election fairly.

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